Saturday, July 30, 2011

Running in the mountains... is beautiful.

A group of trainees organized a group run for this morning.  We all met at El Pollo de Tigre at 8 this morning.  I have made a pattern of running every other morning here, but usually by myself or with one other person so a group run sounded fun.  All of the guys came (Chris, Peter, Jim, and Ryan) and a number of the girls (Julie, Constance, Natalie, and Yesenia).  we decided to run 30 minutes out and all walk back together but that changed when the road ended.  Only the main road between all of the citiesis paved, so we stayed on a main back road that goes by a little elementary school, a fair number of houses, and a lot of trees.  It was only a little cloudy this morning and in the 60s so we were having a very pleasant run.  Twenty minutes into it, right over the top of a hill, the dirt road ended and it was just a mountainside with what looked like government housing.  The houses were all numbered and looked like one room houses with outdoor latrines, and there were people all around.  None of us are sure what is going on with that development, but we know they have beautiful view of the mountains and valleys.

We all ran/walked back together and decided maybe this would be a Saturday tradition.  It was great bonding time, a safe way to exercise, and a fun way to explore the area.  Next time I will have to bring my camera with me so I can share some photos.  Although pictures will never do it justice.  You will just have to come visit.

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